The purpose of thisprivacy policy and information disclosure text is to explain to you in detailwhich personal data of you are processed for which purposes in connection withthe service of TABİİ. We attach utmost importance to your privacy. We wouldlike to inform you that, while providing the service of TABİİ and collecting,using and transferring your personal data, we process and protect all yourpersonal data that you have provided to us, in accordance with the generalprinciples of the data protection law, particularly the Law on Protection ofPersonal Data no. 6698 (“LPPD”), General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”)and the general principles of these regulations. 

Turkish Radio andTelevision Corporation (“TRT") is the data controller of your personalinformation, and it uses its best efforts to protect your data in the bestmanner. In case you contact us in relation to your personal data, we mayrequire you to pass through a security and identity verification process to bedetermined by TRT, in order to avoid any breach of security of your data. 

To the extent not prohibited by applicable laws, group companies oraffiliates of TRT may access your data (as data controllers) to use them ontheir own behalf for the purposes described in this policy, where they providethe services (as data processors) on behalf of data controllers.

Which Personal Data ofYou Do We Collect?
When you sign up to TABİİ;  

Category of Personal Data Processed
Category Detail
User Data
This is the personaldata provided by you or collected by us for your subscription to TABİİ and useof the Services of TABİİ. Depending on your sign-up method, your name, surname,e-mail address, gender, date of birth, payment methods, user name/title ornickname information may be collected. Within the scope of our customizationfunction, your age, phone number, profile adult setting, and information onyour viewed content may also be collected. The exact scope of the personal datacollected depends on the type of TABİİ Network Application and/or TRT NetworkApplication to which you signed up, your method of creating an account, andyour signing up to TABİİ and/or TRT Network services. If you use a third-partyservice to create an account and permit such third party service to discloseyour data to us, we will collect your personal data from this third partyservice.If you update yourpersonal preferences regarding likes and ratings, information that you acceptedto provide and have provided to TABİİ through the service of TABİİ or otherserver may be collected.Information about the network connections, devices, boxes, and devicescompetent with the TABİİ application, which you directly or indirectly use inorder to access the service of TABİİ (smart TV, mobile devices, receiver boxes,monitoring devices, game consoles, and devices providing related digitalplatform services), as well as advertising information, cookies, internetadvertising, signs and data provided, may be collected about you as a user,with respect to your usage data,  In thiscontext, we may collect data about your choices for the content while receivingthe service of TABİİ, together with your search inquiries, for customization inorder to provide you with better services. In order that we can provide youwith better services through notifications sent to the personal information youhave disclosed and through related interactions, your calls, voice andnotification recordings that you will send to our call centers, e-mailaddresses and TABİİ customer services, may be collected.
Data  automatically collected and received from third-party resources  
In order to enable theuse of the service of TABİİ and to ensure service supply, we may obtaininformation from the companies and business partners you interact as a user,particularly GSM operators, service providing devices, smart TV, TV, internetservice providers, service providing boxes (decoders, boxes, game consolesetc.), intermediary payment institutions used for payment methods, platformsupport service providers, voice response systems and digital applicationsystems. Personal data you disclosed to the applications of TRT and theservices connected to the network of TABİİ and TRT are also considered in thiscontext. 

Your IP address,location services, security service providers providing information to TABİİ,for the purpose of ensuring the safety of accounts, in order to prevent fraudand smuggling, in case a payment method is used, the method of payment to TABİİand the payment service providers providing current information related to thepayment, as well as publicly available resources, internet service providers,publicly accessible databases and any information that is accessible in thiscontext, are in this context. We may also obtain information from otherreliable resources in order to update or supplement the information that youprovide or that we automatically collect, such as verification of e-mailaddresses by using third party services. Before you provide us with any of yourinformation, you may need to authorize third parties to disclose suchinformation to us as per the local laws.
Categoryof Personal Data Processed
 Usage  Data  
 Technical  Usage Data:  
We may use onlineidentifiers such as URL information, cookie data and IP addresses, uniquedevice ID numbers, information regarding the types of devices you use, such asdevice brand, device model, network connection type (for example, wireless, 3G,LTE, Bluetooth), network access point name and SSID, service provider, networkand device performance, browser type, browser version, language, informationactivating management of digital rights, operating system, screen resolution,time zone, and application version of the Network of TABİİ and TRT, devicefeatures (such as device ID) or other unique identifiers of the devices on yourwireless connection network that can connect to the Network of TABİİ and TRT(for example, smart speakers, smart TVs, game consoles, connected devices),device and software features (such as type and configuration), connectioninformation, page viewing statistics, application source (for example,application URLs), browser and standard web server directory details, and thirdparty map applications and/or your device’s location service to verify youraddress.
Other Websites andApplications connected to TABİİ and TRT
Data  Regarding Inapp Activities:  
Searches made andsearch history (activity history, including date and time of your requests)
Other Websites andApplications connected to TABİİ and TRT
This is some text inside of a div block.
Visual content such asTV series, films, documentaries or programs watched by you, and actions on theapplication such as adding such content to list, watching duration and skippedads
Other Websites andApplications connected to TABİİ and TRT
Data that You Select toProvide to Us and Allow Us to Provide You with Additional Features

Categoryof Personal Data Processed
Purchasing Data
Name, Surname, Mobilephone number, E-mail, Address details
Contest, Survey,Electronic Message, Lottery/Raffle, Application and Communication Forum Data
We collect yourpersonal data (name, surname, mail address, phone number; Turkish identitynumber and phone number for information-obtaining processes) that you providewhen you fill in a form, give a message approval, answer any research or surveyor participate in any contest.
Other Websites andApplications connected to TABİİ and TRT
How Do We Collect YourPersonal Data?
We may collect yourpersonal data;

by automated means,through our website and mobile applications. We may also obtain theaforementioned information through third parties in accordance with thefollowing methods.
Information Provided byThird Parties
Identity verificationpartners
If  you sign up or log in to our services by using third party identity  information (for example, Facebook, Apple, Google, Twitter, etc.), we  transfer your information from such third parties to our own systems in order  to assist you in creating your account with us.  
Technical service partners
We  work with technical service partners that provide us with certain data, such  as matching IP addresses with imprecise location data (for example, city,  country), in order to ensure that we can provide the services, contents and  features of TABİİ and TRT.  
Payment partners
If  you select to make payments against a bill for any service or feature, we may  obtain data from our payment partners, in order to ensure that we can send a  bill to you, process your payment and deliver your purchase to you.  
Advertisers and otherpartners
 We  may collect certain data regarding you, such as cookie ID, mobile device ID,  e-mail address and inferences regarding your areas of interest and  preferences, from certain advertising partners, to provide you with more  relevant ads, to organize campaigns and to send notifications and to measure  their effectiveness .  
Analytical serviceprovider partners
We  may collect data from our analytical service provider partners in order to  assist us in getting to know our users visiting and using our websites and  applications in more detail, to understand the expectations of our users, to  contribute to the development of our content in line with the demands of our  users, and to take the correct steps regarding promotion and advertising  campaigns.  
Our Purposes ofProcessing Personal Data, and Methods of and Legal Grounds for Collection ofPersonal Data
We process yourpersonal data in accordance with the general principles in article 4 of LPPDand article 5 of GDPR and within the scope of the data processing conditionsset out in LPPD and GDPR.
Personal Data Processed
Our Purpose of Processing
Legal Ground
This is some text inside oUser Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data, Contest, Survey and Lottery/Raffle Dataf a div block.
To provide and manageServices of TABİİ and TRT (such as websites, applications, social mediaaccounts etc.), to produce statistical and scientific data, to improve ourproducts and services accordingly, to increase satisfaction regarding ourproducts and services, and to customize according to the user in this context.
Where it is necessaryto process the personal data of parties to a contract, for the conclusion orperformance of the contract
Where it is absolutelynecessary to process the personal data for the legitimate interests of the datacontroller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the datasubject are not harmedExistence of expressconsent
User Data, Usage Data
To understand anddetect your requests, to overcome problems, and to solve problems with theService of TRT.
The processing ofpersonal data belonging to parties to a contract being required for theconclusion or performance of such contract; and the data processing beingmandatory for the data controller’s legitimate interests provided that thefundamental rights and liberties of the data subject are not impaired
User Data, Usage Data
To evaluate and developnew features, technologies and improvements regarding the Services of TABİİ andTRT.
Where it is absolutelynecessary to process the personal data for the legitimate interests of the datacontroller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the datasubject are not harmed
User Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data
To communicate, byusing any means of communication, for marketing, promotion and advertisingpurposes, within the scope of the services and developments, service programsand activities of TABİİ and TRT.
Existence of expressconsent
User Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data, Contest, Survey and Lottery/Raffle Data
To comply with thelegal obligations and the requests of law enforcement authorities.
Where data processingis absolutely necessary for compliance with a legal obligation which the datacontroller is subject to
User Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data
To fulfill thecontractual obligations with third parties, for example, license contracts, andto take proper actions regarding the related reports.
Where it is absolutelynecessary to process the personal data for the legitimate interests of the datacontroller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the datasubject are not harmed
User Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data, Contest, Survey and Lottery/Raffle Data
To file legal claims,to satisfy such claims or to defend against them.
Where data processing is absolutely necessary for compliance with a legal obligation which the data controller is subject to Where data processing is mandatory for establishing, exercising or protecting a right
User Data, Usage Data,Payment and Purchase Data, Contest, Survey and Lottery/Raffle Data
To make business planning,to prevent data losses, to archive, analyze, report and predict.
Where it is absolutely necessary to process the personal data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not harmed
User Data, PurchaseData
Processing ofpurchasing.
Where it is necessary to process the personal data of parties to a contract, for the conclusion or performance of the contractWhere data processing is absolutely necessary for compliance with a legal obligation which the datacontroller is subject to 
User Data, Usage Data,Contest and Survey Data
 To  organize researches, contests, surveys and lotteries/raffles. To receive  requests for participation in organizations such as trainings and seminars.  
Where it is necessary to process the personal data of parties to a contract, for the conclusion or performance of the contractWhere it is absolutely necessary to process the personal data for the legitimate interests of the data controller, provided that the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject are not harmedWhere data processing is mandatory for establishing, exercising or protecting a right

Transfer of Personal Data
We may transfer the personal data we process, within the scope of the Laws and other legislation ,to our relevant business partners and affiliates, and public or private legal entities operating on behalf of our Corporation, that we have authorized, for the purposes that we have explained and in order to carry out business processes ,in accordance with the provisions regarding the transfer of personal data that are set out in the legislation, and to authorized public institutions and organizations in order to fulfill our legal obligations.

Since the application infrastructure is provided by cloud systems, your data may be transferred abroad. Regarding the global transfer, storage and processing of your personal data ,since we, as the platform of TABİİ, aim to provide you with a global service ,your data may be transferred, within the scope of the purposes specified in this policy, to our affiliates and business partners located in different locations, particularly TRT, and to their affiliated third parties. We are committed to taking the most stringent measures to protect confidentiality ofyour personal data, regardless of where they are stored, to where they are transferred, or where they are processed. 

Your personal data mayalso be disclosed to our business partners to the extent they are fit for the purpose, limited to the following purposes: Your personal data may be disclosed to third parties, our business partners, and our suppliers with which we have a contractual relationship, for the purpose of advertising, website and application analytics, website and application testing and customization ,usage, recording and display service, website and application analytics, mobile analytics, mobile notifications, advertising campaign analytics, social media posting service, target setting for app installation campaigns, conversion and monitoring, test applications distribution and collapse notifications, in app notifications, customization of user behaviors, marketing service, solution suggestions, mobile application analysis and efficiency measurements, live broadcast monitoring, player performance development of TABİİ, analysis of errors and accuracy of the content viewed and of the user experiences, and for processing payments made by credit cards, debit cards or various gift cards for the sale of paid packages that may be provided to users in our website and/or mobile applications. 
Except for the limited conditions specified in this Privacy Policy, your personal data are not disclosed to any third party other than TRT and other business partners of us.When you prefer to disclose your personal data to third-party companies and incase you allow the disclosure of your personal data to third-party companies and forward us your instructions for the disclosure of your personal data to third-party companies after upon your request, in order to ensure the sending of offers and promotions with regard to products and services, and in case you forward an instruction for the disclosure of your personal data to transport companies, companies providing hotel and travel services, catering companies ,and third-party networks, websites and platforms used, when we disclose your personal data to these third-party companies, we would like to remind you that such personal data received by those companies will be under the supervision and responsibility of those companies and will be subject to the privacy policy of those companies. 

Storage and Destruction of Personal Data
As TABİİ, OurCorporation TRT stores personal data in line with and proportional to their purpose of processing. Maximum level of technical and administrative measures stipulated under LPPD and GDPR is taken to ensure the security of the personal data that are stored. When the purpose of and/or the grounds for processing of personal data ceases to exist, they are stored until the end of the storage period prescribed by the applicable legislation, by also observing our legal obligations. When the purpose of and the grounds for processing of personal data ceases to exist, personal data shall be destroyed once the lapse of time periods required for fulfillment of our obligations arising from the relevant legislation expires.

Issues Exclusive to Children

TABİİ pay utmost attention to the protection of personal data of children. Taking into consideration the actual difficulty to monitor children on the internet, the internet use by children should be supervised by their parents/guardians and the express consent should be obtained from parents/guardians where express consent is required for processing of data.

Rights of the DataSubject

Everyone has the following rights pursuant to article 11 of LPPD:
1. To learn whether or not their personal data have been processed,
2. To request information on the procedure, if their personal data have been processed,
3. To learn the purpose of processing of personal data and whether or not such data are used in linewith their intended purpose,
4. To obtain information about third persons to whom their personal data have beentransferred domestically or abroad,
5. To request the correction of their personal data that may have been processed incompletely orinaccurately, and to request that the third parties to whom their personal data have been transferred be notified of the procedure carried out in this context,
6. In case, although they have been processed pursuant to the provisions of LPPD and other relevantlaws, the reasons requiring them to be processed have ceased to exist, to request the deletion or destruction of personal data and to request that the third parties to whom their personal data have been transferred be notified ofthe procedure carried out in this context,
7. To object to the emergence of an outcome which is to the detriment of the data subject as aresult of the analysis of data processed, exclusively through automated systems,
8. To request compensation for any damage incurred due to unlawful processing of personal data.

You may forward to us your requests under article 11 of LPPD, “which sets out the rights of data subjects”, in accordance with the Communique on the Procedures and Principles for Application to the Data Controller. Requests will be evaluated and decided upon free of charge as soon as possible and in any case within thirty (30) days at the latest. In the case that the evaluation and decision procedure requires an additional cost, the fee specified in the tariff designated by the Personal Data Protection Board will be taken as a basis.

Your Rights under GDPR

As an individual, you have certain rights in connection with our processing of your personal data ,including the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.Under GDPR, you have the following rights:
Your right to access:You are entitled to request copies of your personal data. This right will enable you to take a copy of your personal data stored by us about you and to check whether or not we lawfully process your data.
Your right tocorrection: You are entitled to request correction of any information that youthink is incorrect. You are also entitled to request completion ofincomplete/missing information.Your right todestruction: You are entitled to request us, under certain circumstances, todestroy your personal data. This right will enable you to request us to deleteor remove your personal data unless there is a valid reason to continue theprocessing of such personal data. You are also entitled to raise an objectionto the processing of your personal data for the purpose of deletion ordestruction. (Please see below for these circumstances.)
Your right to object tothe processing: Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to object to theprocessing of your personal data (when we process them on the basis of alegitimate interest or interests of a third party and there is a considerationrelated to your special case, that is the reason for your objection to theprocessing on that ground). You are also entitled to raise an objection to ourprocessing of your personal data directly for commercial purposes.The right to restrictthe processing of your data: Under certain circumstances, you are entitled toconsult us in order to restrict the processing of your personal data.
Your right to dataportability: Under certain circumstances, you are entitled to request us totransfer the information that you provided to us, to another entity or to you.You do not need to payany fee in order to exercise your rights. If you send us any request, we haveone month to provide you with a response.


As an individual youhave certain rights regarding our processing of your personal data, including aright to lodge a complaint with the relevant supervisory authority.Under GDPR, you haverights including:
You are not required topay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have onemonth to respond to you.

Identity of DataController
Title: Türkiye Radyo veTelevizyon Kurumu/TRT
Phone Number: 444 0 878
Email Address:
Address: TRT GenelMüdürlüğü Turan Güneş Bulvarı TRT Sitesi 06550 Oran ANKARA

Amendments to the PrivacyPolicy 

We may amend thisprivacy policy from time to time in order to adapt to the new technologies,sector practices, legal conditions or other purposes. We will notify you whenthese amendments are essential and we will also obtain your consent if this isrequired under the applicable laws. We may serve notifications, by sending ane-mail to the e-mail address that you provided to us or publishing theaforementioned amendments on our website and applications, or through othermeans in accordance with the applicable laws.