tabii launched in Türkiye in May 2023, announcing itself with a star-studded, glamourous event in Istanbul, attended by the Who’s Who of the media industry. tabii immediately captured the hearts and minds of millions of subscribers across the country, giving them access to exclusive tabii originals and thousands of hours of entertainment on their phones, tablets, laptops, and smart TVs.
In our launch year, we delighted our subscribers by releasing over 30 exclusive original titles, including new seasons of fan favourites, Green Sea Millenium and Iskender Little Archer : Shadow. We became the one stop shop for all TRT content, the latest TRT1 Dramas, live sports, licensed foreign films, and TRT archival content.
We didn't stop there, adding another feather to our cap by buying the rights for UEFA football action, giving access to our subscribers to enjoy some of the biggest sports tournaments in the world. We are proud to present this to our domestic audience in Türkiye who will have access to all the UEFA tournaments, including the Champions league, UEFA European league, and UEFA Conference league.
By the end of 2024, tabii will be going global, taking Türkiye to the world. Our exclusive originals and TRT dramas will be available in English, Arabic, Urdu and Spanish, with more languages to be added for the millions of fans of premium Turkish entertainment worldwide.
The magic of Turkish storytelling anytime, anywhere